Фотографије Mini-Europe

2020-08-29_14-35-17_ILCE-6500_DSC03475_DxO - miguel.discart

Divers 2020 - Mini Europe Mini-Europe is open since 18/05/2020. Welcome back to the open-air museum Mini-Europe! Located at the foot of the Atomium, MINI-EUROPE is the only park where you can visit the whole of Europe in a couple of hours. A truly unique voyage ! Stroll amid the typical ambiance of the most beautiful towns of the Old Continent. Be amazed! Mini-Europe is a park featuring all the wonders of Europe, in miniature. Bonsai trees, flowery groves and dwarf trees embellish the 350 monuments which have been reproduced at scale 1/25. Thousands of lifelike figurines and animations! Set off the eruption of the Vesuvius and admire the takeoff of the Ariane rocket. The two hour walk, which is both entertaining and educational, will let you (re)discover the 27 member states of the European Union + United Kingdom and their historical, architectural and cultural wealth. ( Diverses photos prisent en 2020 sans sujet reel. Various pictures taken in 2020 without real subject. )
Mini-Europe (Nederlands: Mini-Europa) је туристичка атракција, један од Miniature parks у Брисел , Белгија . Налази се: 6.5 км Strombeek-Bever од, 7.1 км Jette од, 810 км Париз од. Прочитајте даље
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